Three hacks to rewire the winter brain
As I write this, we are in the thick of winter in Ontario. Snow is piled all around and that recent trip to a warm country seems like it happened months ago!
As I write this, we are in the thick of winter in Ontario. Snow is piled all around and that recent trip to a warm country seems like it happened months ago!
As the days grow shorter and the holiday season looms, I invite you to slow down and reconnect with your life by trying these seven simple self-care ideas.
The 15-minute free virtual consultation provides a no-cost opportunity to meet a registered psychotherapist, understand their approach, and prepare for therapy.
Once we have experienced an episode of depression, there is a strong likelihood that we will experience a relapse or recurrence of depression in the future. We could think of this as having won the battle but possibly not having won the war.
Use this simple technique to identify daily activities that lift your mood and boost your energy. And those that lower your mood and deplete your energy.
One of the most difficult experiences in this precious life is the loss of someone we love and need.
If you’ve ever experienced anxiety or a panic attack, you know exactly how frightening this can be.
One of the most common struggles we share is maintaining our mindful presence in relation to others.
Most people, myself included, are holding onto at least one thing that is way past its expiration date.
The origins of the term are Greek and come from the myth of Narcissus. Narcissus was a handsome young man who rejected the love of the nymph Echo.